Department J

Longhorn Superintendent:
   Ryan Culpepper
   Ron Womack, Robert Johnson

Longhorn Judge:
  PJ Budler


1. The General Rules of the Wise County Youth Fair and the following rules will govern the Beef Cattle Department.

2. A substitution fee of $5.00 may be paid and a substitution made upon arrival to the WCYF Secretary.

3. Exhibitors must check with the beef superintendent upon their arrival for stall assignments and exhibitors numbers.

4. Papers will be checked upon arrival.

5. Longhorn Steers and Heifers must be registered with the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. However, they are not required to be registered in the name of the exhibitor. A copy of said registration must be presented at the paper check for the Longhorn show.

6. The Longhorn Show will begin on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. with the Longhorn Steer show followed by the Longhorn Heifer show. You may begin moving in on Tuesday from 7-10:00 am.

7. The Longhorn Division will follow the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association rules and classes.

Longhorn Heifer Division
8. The Breeding Beef Show is limited to female entries. No bulls are allowed.

9. Longhorn Beef Heifer papers will be checked on Tuesday upon arrival.

10. Longhorn heifers over 30 months of age on show day must have a certificate of pregnancy from a licensed veterinarian. *30 months follows TLBBA rules.

11. Registered, percentage purebred heifers will be placed in their breed class or in AOB at the discretion of the beef superintendent.

12. No more than two (2) breeding animals per class may be shown by any one exhibitor.

13. Breeding animals will be put into classes according to their age after all entries are received.

14. All seniors and juniors are eligible for showmanship in the Longhorn Division.

               6. LONGHORN HEIFER CLASS

Longhorn Steer Division
15. The Longhorn Show will begin on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. with the Longhorn Steer show followed by the Longhorn Heifer show. You may begin moving in on Tuesday from 7-10:00 a.m.

16. All seniors and juniors are eligible for showmanship.

17. Bedding: NO straw will be allowed in the stalls. Cedar or wood may be used if the exhibitor so desires.

              7. LONGHORN STEER CLASS

     Longhorn steers will be broke by age.
     Longhorn steers must not be over 36 months on day of show.

          Junior Showmanship, Longhorn
          Intermediate Showmanship, Longhorn
          Senior Showmanship, Longhorn