1. ELIGIBILITY: Except as noted, the Wise County Youth Fair is open to any Wise County FFA, Wise County FCCLA, or Wise County 4-H member in good standing. The exhibitor must be attending Wise County public, private or home school and/or living in Wise County.
          * Exhibitor must continuously reside in or continuously be attending a Wise County school public, private or home from January 10th in the calendar year of the Youth Fair through the completion of the Wise County Youth Fair. The exhibitor may be required to supply a verification of student status upon request by a committee established by the Wise County Youth Fair board. Students who graduate or complete course work early are not eligible to participate in the Wise County Youth Fair.
               Exception: Youth living in Wise County and attending school outside Wise County or living outside Wise County and attending school in Wise County and, being a member of Wise County FFA, Wise County FCCLA, and/or Wise County 4-H, must agree and sign an affidavit to the effect that the exhibitor will not show in any county show or local premiums show outside Wise County. NO OTHER EXCEPTIONS.
          * Age limits for 4-H are 8 years and in 3rd grade as of August 31 in the calendar year prior to the Youth Fair. To be qualified to participate in the Wise County Youth Fair, 4-H members must be on the roll in the County Extension Office by December 31 in the calendar year prior to the Youth Fair.
* Jr. FFA members must be on the membership roll at their respective school by January 1 in the year of the Youth Fair.
          *FCCLA members must be an FCCLA member in their respective school by December 1 in the calendar year prior to the youth fair.
* Department A: Open to all graduation seniors that have been actively involved in the Wise County Youth Fair during their high school years.
  * Departments B, and C: Open to FCCLA students only.
* Departments D, E, F, and G: Open to 4-H members only.
* Departments H, I, J, K, L, O, R, S, T, U, V, W, X & Y: Open to FFA and 4-H members.
* Department M: Open to FFA, 4-H, and VICA members.
* Department N: Open to any Wise County boy or girl 19 years of age or younger.
* Department P: Open to one female FCCLA student, one female 4-H member, and one female FFA member chosen from each club and/or chapter in Wise County.  

2.  ENTRIES: All entries will be done on line. Entry input screens can be accessed by clicking on the online entry link on the Wise County Youth Fair web page ( or by going directly to (pending final confirmation). Input instructions will be available on the Showorks web site.
     Payments can be made on line by using a credit or debit card. Payments can also be made by check, money order or cashier check.
     Payments by mail
MUST BE RECEIVED BY ENTRY DEADLINE and will need to include a printed entry receipt. If the payment is not received by entry deadline, it will be considered late and subject to late entry fees.
Mail to:
          Wise County Youth Fair
          P.O. Box 1062
          Decatur, TX 76234
January 1—February 1, 2025 @ 5:00 pm
          February 3– February 7, 2025 @ 5:00 pm
Late entries will be accepted for one (1) week after registration deadline, and a late entry fee will be charged of three (3) times the original entry fee with a minimum of $10.00. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Late entry payments can be made on line by using a credit or debit card. Payments can also be made by check, money order or cashier check. NO CASH.
Late entry payments by mail MUST BE RECEIVED BY ENTRY DEADLINE and will need to include a printed entry receipt. If the entry and entry monies are not in by the time deadline, the entry/entries will be null and void. 

3. PHOTOGRAPH/INTERVIEW RELEASE & INDEMNITY: I grant permission to be photographed or interviewed in connection with the activities. I understand that photographs or interviews may be used by WCYF for television, film, video, visual or printed media. I agree to Release and Indemnity WCYF for any claims related to photographs or interviews by the WCYF or any media.

4. CLASSIFYING AND WEIGHT CARDS: The weight listed on the Weight and Breed Declaration Card will become the animal’s official weight. 
     2024 WCYF market animals to include: Swine, Sheep, Steers and Goats will be weighed after classification by a representative of the WCYF board. Weight/Classification cards will be collected at that time. Any entry whose Weight/Classification card is not received by this deadline will be disqualified.
     Wise County Youth Fair reserves the rights to weigh any animal. No reweighs.

     At time of classification all Market Steers, Market Swine, Market Wethers and Market Lambs will be weighed. All those not making weight will be allowed to immediately reweigh once. All those who weigh out will be put in an OVER/UNDER class to show in the WCYF.
Show and Sale Weights
                                                   Minimum                     Maximum
Market Steers                          1000 lbs.                      No maximum
     Any steer that weighs less than 1000 lbs. will go to the prospect steer class.
Market Swine                             210 lbs.                           300 lbs.
     Any Barrow that weighs more than 300 lbs. or less than 210 lbs. will be in the OVER/UNDER class.
Market Goats                                 45 lbs.                            135 lbs.
     Any goat that weighs more than 135 lbs . or less than 45 lbs. will be in the OVER/UNDER class.     
Market Lambs                               
Fine & Medium Wool                 95 lbs.                  NO maximum
Southdown                                      75 lbs.                  NO maximum
Dorper                                               75 lbs.                 NO maximum
    Any Fine Wool or Medium Wool lamb that weighs less than 95 lbs. will be in the UNDER class.
     Any Southdown Wool lamb that weighs less than 75 lbs. will be in the UNDER class.
     Any Dorper lamb that weighs less than 75 lbs. will be in the UNDER class.

     Any exhibitor turning in a weight below or above the MIN/MAX weight will be put in an OVER/UNDER class.

5. NATIVE: If the Grand/Reserve chosen is a registered native then there will not be a native show.

6. OWNERSHIP: To be eligible for competition, each market steer, market hog, market lamb, market goat, beef heifer, market rabbits, and market broilers entry must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor or exhibitor’s immediate family, validated under the exhibitor’s or family’s name with exhibitor declared at the time of weight cards turned in. In addition owners / exhibitors must care for their own animals for the entire length of the feeding period which includes the Wise County Youth Fair Auction sale. In cases of extreme hardship, approval must be received from the department superintendent to prevent disqualification.
     * HORSES must belong to the exhibitor or immediate family.
BREEDING SWINE and DAIRY GOATS must be owned by December 1.
MARKET STEERS must have been owned and ear-tagged on the state and county validation dates.
BREEDING HEIFERS registration papers are required on all breeding females. Must be owned by November 1.
NON-REGISTERED BEEF HEIFERS will be classified as American, British and Exotic. Must be owned by November 1. They must be validated at the county tag in in December.
MARKET HOGS must have been owned and ear-tagged at county or state validation. 
     * MARKET LAMBS must have been owned, ear-tagged, nose printed and tattooed at the county or state validation.
MARKET GOATS must have been owned and ear-tagged at the county or state validation.
MEAT RABBITS and BREEDING RABBITS must be tattooed and/or registered at the county tattoo clinic to be eligible for the show. All rabbit entries are due by the entry deadline.
BROILERS must be of the same hatch and ordered through the Poultry Superintendent.          
          Steers, market lambs, market hogs, and market wethers having been sold at auction or by private treaty after the validation will be declared ineligible for the Wise County Youth Fair. Violators will be barred from the show and further participation in the fair and will be subject to review by the Executive Committee.

The Market Swine show will be barrows only.

SHOWMANSHIP: Awards will be presented to the youth who exhibits his or her livestock entry to the best advantage, including conditioning, fitting, and training.
     Showmanship will be by grade level:
               Juniors: 8 yrs. old & 3rd-5th grade
               Intermediate: 6th, 7th & 8th grade
               Seniors: 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade
     (With the exception of the Horse Show)

HOUSEKEEPING: All exhibitors are encouraged to keep exhibit areas neat and clean.

LIABILITY: Wise County and the Officials of the Wise County Youth Fair will in no case be responsible for any loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by or arising from any animal exhibited.

BARN AREA: Only exhibitors having sheep, hogs, cattle, and goats in the show are permitted to remain in the barn area overnight.

MISCONDUCT: Misconduct of exhibitors or family members may result in forfeiture of premium money, awards and the right of the exhibitor to sell his animal in the auction sale. Serious misconduct will result in review by the Executive Committee as to further participation in the Wise County Youth Fair by the exhibitor. 


13. EXHIBITION REQUIREMENT: All exhibitors must show and sell their own projects with the following exceptions: Exhibitor has 2 projects showing at the same time. Extenuating circumstances to be determined on an individual basis by the Wise County Youth Fair Grievance Committee. The exhibitor must bring a letter from the school stating the reason and dates of the conflict. School activities must be UIL, District or above. Anyone approved as a substitute show person must meet the same requirements as the original exhibitor. (Age, school enrollment, etc.)

BEDDING: Refer to specific department rules.

GRIEVANCE RULE:  Formal procedure for filing a grievance is as follows: Grievance must be turned in, in writing to the Superintendent of the department with $300.00 fee, within one (1) hour of completion of show in question. The department superintendent will be the official time keeper. If grievance is upheld by Department and/or Grievance Committee, the fee will be refunded.

PROJECT LOCATION: All animals must stay in assigned stall space provided by Wise County Youth Fair department superintendents.

DISPOSITION OF ANIMAL PROJECTS AFTER SHOW: All animals must be out of the barn by 6:00 pm. day of sale.

ANIMAL PROJECT GROOMING AND CLIPPING:  All market animals must be shorn prior to arrival at fair grounds. Minor touch up will be allowed at Department Superintendent’s discretion.
All livestock departments will be blow and go show (i.e. No glue, paints, adhesives, powder, etc.).
Only 4-H leaders, county extension agents, ag teachers, FCCLA teachers, FFA members, 4-H members, FCCLA members and immediate family members will be able to assist in the grooming or care of any animal while on WCYF grounds.

19. Exhibitors will be allowed to show a maximum of:
     * 2 RABBITS
          - Meat pen and Single Fryer
          - 2 Meat pens
          - 2 Single Fryers

     Wise County Youth Fair does not condone inhumane treatment of animals. Any action that is inhumane or that can cause injury or death to an animal, that is entered in the Wise County Youth Fair, will not be tolerated. No stomach pumps will be allowed at Wise County Youth Fair. All complaints or violations will be referred to the Wise County Youth Fair Grievance Committee which may take action and/or include the Wise County Youth Fair Executive Board. Local authorities will be notified of all inhumane violations. Their actions will be separate and beyond Wise County Youth Fair rulings.


     * All female sheep, both market and breeding, must have an official USDA Scrapie Eradication Program Identification Tag and adhere to any current scrapie requirement as outlined by the Texas Animal Health Commission.
     * Tattoos may be used to identify registered or meat and dairy show goats, as long as the animals are accompanied by their registration papers. All non- registered goats must have the USDA Scrapie Tag.

     To foster fair competition, to provide a level playing field and to protect the safety of food, the showing of unethically fitted livestock, livestock of any ineligible age for exhibition in the class entered, and/or animals being administered unapproved drugs is strictly prohibited. Additionally, any animal that has been administered a drug that is FDA approved for its species is subject to disqualification if that animal tests positive for that drug upon arrival at WCYF. All animals must remain free and clear of all drug and chemical residues while on show grounds.
Unethical Fitting:
     Unethical fitting means any attempt to alter the natural appearance, conformation, musculature or weight of an animal by any unnatural means. Animals showing any signs of being unethically fitted will be disqualified.
     Examples of unethical fitting include, but are not limited to the following:
          * Application of any substance to any part of the animal’s body unless specifically allowed in the department rules of that species.

          * Use of injections
          * Draining of fluids
          * Bruising
          * Feeding of material not conducive to the health of the animal, safety of food or marketability of its carcass
          * Surgical alterations
          * Artificially filling animals by stomach pumping or airing injections
Over Age Animals:
     Over age animals will be disqualified   
Unapproved Drug Use:
     The showing of any animal that has been administered during its life any quantity of any unapproved drug, chemical or medication is strictly prohibited. Such drugs include, but are not limited to, any diuretic, unapproved growth stimulant of other unapproved medication. Unapproved means not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) for slaughter animals including animals that may be destined for human consumption.
Approved Drug Use:
     If an animal has been administered a drug that is FDA approved for its species, sufficient time must have passed so that the animal does not test positive for that drug upon arrival at WCYF. Animals must remain free and clear of all drug and chemical residues while on show grounds. Please note that elimination time (the time it takes for no drug residue to be found in the system) is generally longer than the labeled withdrawal time for most approved drugs.
Animal Inspection:
     As condition for participation in the Show, exhibitor must agree to submit any animal entered by the exhibitor for inspection. Exhibitor agrees to have such animal submitted to any tests requested by the show. Exhibitor also agrees that the opinion reached by the show or its officials as to whether such animal is unethically fitted or over age shall be final and binding without recourse against the show or any of its officers. Further, the show specifically reserves the right to have tissue, blood or urine laboratory analysis made on any animal entered for competition. The conclusions reached by the laboratory shall be final and binding without recourse against the show or any of its officers. An exhibitor of an animal that is found to be unethically fitted, overage, and/or testing positive for any drug or medication or unapproved chemical may forfeit all rights and privileges to exhibit livestock in the future at the show. An animal which is administered treatments with a withdrawal or extend elimination time period will be disqualified from competition. Any animal showing signs of disease will be disqualified and removed. All entries are subject to examination by an official veterinarian upon arrival.
Emergency Treatment:
If an animal requires emergency treatment while on show grounds, only a licensed veterinarian will be allowed to administer any drug, chemical or feed additive. An exhibitor may choose a licensed veterinarian. All treatment costs are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Wholesome Meat Act: 
     The USDA Wholesome Meat Act applies to all market livestock.
     * Animals must be in good health and carcasses free of drug or chemical residues.  
     * Drug label directions for use and withdrawal periods must be followed.

     * If drug or chemical residues are found in tissue or carcasses, the entire carcass may be condemned.
          The WCYF will in no way be liable or responsible for the condition of carcasses or the sale price of the animal. In such cases, the exhibitor forfeits all rights to any and all proceeds including: Auction Price, Scholarships, Premium Awards and Special Awards.
     In the event any animal is declared by the veterinarian or testing agency to be unethically fitted or test positive for a performance enhancing medication, the WCYF Board is authorized to permanently bar the exhibitor and his or her family any further participation in the WCYF. In the event any animal is declared by the veterinarian or testing agency to have a positive drug test of a non-performance enhancing drug or labeled additives within that species will maintain eligibility. Reinstatement of anyone barred may be made only by the WCYF Board. The exhibitor will forfeit all titles, awards, prizes, auction proceeds, premiums and scholarships if the animal and/or exhibitor is disqualified. Each case will be evaluated on an individual basis by the WCYF board.
     All Quality Assurance Testing required by the WCYF will be paid for by the show. Payment for any other test (i.e. blood typing, etc.) required in the WCYF will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. The exhibitor, including his or her parent or guardian or AST or CEA for exhibitors, must be present during the collection for testing and must witness, seal and sign the sample; thus verifying the sample to be properly collected and prepared for analysis.
Restraint/Unruly Animals:
     The livestock management, superintendent, assistant superintendent, or ring steward may remove any unruly animal from the show week (Sunday - Saturday); there will be no appeal.
     All exhibits will be under the control and direction of the WCYF INC. but the WCYF INC. will in no case be responsible for any loss, injury or damage, which may occur. The exhibitor will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal or article exhibited by him/her and for its description as given in the catalog. He/She shall indemnify the WCYF INC. against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as any damage or injury to any other person or property, caused by the exhibitor or any of the animals exhibited with such exhibition or any of the animals so exhibited.
     Grand & Reserve Champion Steer
     Grand & Reserve Champion Lamb
     Grand & Reserve Champion Goat
     Grand & Reserve Champion Swine
     Grand & Reserve Broilers
     Grand & Reserve Meat Pen Rabbits
     Grand & Reserve Single Fryer Rabbit
     PLUS One at random from each division
Wise County Youth Fair reserves the right to test any market animal entered for competition.
          General rules will supersede and/or override any duplicate rules.
     Each department will hold a meeting following the WCYF to discuss rule changes to be submitted to the board for consideration at the April meeting. Each meeting will last for (1) one hour and will be facilitated by the department superintendent. The dates and times will be posted on the WCYF website.